No, I have not made a typo in the title.
I was talking to Mrs S at lunchtime, and I referred to a phone conversation earlier in the day when I had spoken to a friend (little Noah's mum) who is not into blogging, yet. I explained about how easy it was to set up a basic blog and how you could manage and moderate it. She mentioned comments I have had, and how there seemed to be people who are regular visitors/commentators.
In my conversation with Mrs S I used words/expressions like bloggers, blogger friends, blogger acquaintances and other visitors for various people. So, a blogger blogs, a visitor visits, but when do they become blogger acquaintances and friends, I ask myself? Somebody you know a little is an acquaintance, who can later develop into a friend, you might say.
Then I misheard something my wife said, and I knew instantly that I had found the Word. She said blog links, but I heard blogling! What a perfect new word for people, other bloggers, you communicate with. It does not matter how close you feel to them, how you define them, they can all be your bloglings. I think the word has a positive ring to it. Instead of saying "Oh, darling!", you can now say "Oh, blogling!" or "Oh, my little blogling!". If you have very strong feelings you might get slightly confused and call somebody "snogling" by mistake. Tread carefully!
Am I silly or mad? (Please don't say yes!) No I just love words and languages, and to sometimes have fun with them like this. Somebody's got to come up with new words. Why not blogling? What do you think, my bloglings?
what a great word!!! perfect!!
Love it blogling!
Lillian - Thank you, blogling. ;-)
T1 - Thank you, blogling. ;-)
This is fun!
That's a great word Swen blogling! LOL love it. Hmmm why didn't I tink of dat? :)
Yes! A very good word!
Eric - Thanks. I've googled the word since and discovered it has been used by a few people, but perhaps in a slightly different meaning.
Veronica - I'm glad you like it. It's almost got a sweet touch to it.
I like the word, although one thing: it reminded me of a baby blogger, or someone younger than me. My poor little blogling is feeling tired today. hahaha
GW - I can see your point, and there's duckling as well. But it is a very common word ending, so I suppose there will be many different associations one can make. It's fun though to play around with words!
Very nice and fitting, too. As a matter of fact, blogling of mine also picked up on an new word: bliend (blog+friend).
Looks like we're getting a whole new blocabulary (blog vocabulary??) here :)
Sorry... It should have been "blogabulary" :)
CS - It's all good fun with words, isn't it? 'Blogabulary', excellent!
Awww, blogling..... what a great word.
1stL - Thank you.
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