Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Genes Work!

I was sitting here at my desk going through photos, old and new ones, and I was looking for new photos in particular that were suitable for turning into black/white. I was looking for pictures that were not reliant on colour but rather shapes and light, which meant I found quite a few abstract pictures but also portraits.

I have come to realise that it is not always easy to "see them" in black/white when you are new to that game. A photographer friend of mine claims that he can see what an object or a view would look like in black/white through his long-life experience. That sounded interesting, so I went trawling through my many gigabytes of images.

That is when I saw the likeness. I have always had this strange feeling when I observe my grandchildren, both in real life and in photographs. It is like looking at myself in a spooky kind of way. I think you might be able to see that these two little boys share some genes, or is it just me imagining the whole thing?

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Zuzana said...

Yes, definitely, a family resemblance for sure. Both boys are really cute too, even if generations apart.;))
I have always been told I look like my fathers mother and his sister too. In fact, there is an old, black and white picture of my aunt reading, when she is about 16. I am a spitting image of her.;))

swenglishexpat said...

Protege - It is interesting isn't it? Also, at different times in life you can resemble different people.

Veronica said...

Life is (usually) like that, but I guess there is sometimes a ring in (or ring out as the case may be). Our daughter has one grandmother's looks and the other one's attitude ... scary really, especially if you knew them both!!
Two of our sons are like peas from the same pod as their father and the third is like my side of the tree.
ps Lulu is back
Funny things genes; maybe it's the weather!

Veronica said...

oops, meant to put the ps at the end ...

swenglishexpat said...

Veronica - One day it might be possible to select all the best bits from one's gene pool. How about that? Now, that would be even scarier, I think!

LadyFi said...

Very evocative photos when they're in black and white. Lovely!

swenglishexpat said...

LadyFi - Thank you. Sometimes the colour gets in the way!