Friday, June 29, 2007

Magical Muck ‘n Moss Metamorphosis

We live in an area that used to be a dark, swampy kind of forest, and it is still today a haven for mosquitos and other animals of nuisance. It also allows moss to proliferate to the extent that it draws a dark veil over everything. When we moved into this ‘corporate accommodation’ three and a half years ago we knew nothing of the maintenance history of it. Then we got to hear about power cleaners from somebody, how you could use them to clean most everything. Bingo! Said and done.

I hired this beauty…

…and attached it to the cold water supply for the washing machine in the cellar,…

…with some difficulty I have to say, because it turned out that the hose that I had to buy had a faulty connection. As soon as I turned on the tap and increased the water pressure, it came off with a bang and sprayed water all over me and the laundry room. So I was soaked before I had even started using the damn thing, and I knew I would get rather wet spraying hundreds of litres of water.

After having gone back to the shop to replace the faulty part, it was a slow, arduous pleasure to see the dirt disappear bit by bit, on the patio, walls, path…everywhere. In the end this north-facing patio was transformed completely and I wondered why we had not thought of that earlier! See for yourselves.


Unknown said...

The problem with using those power cleaners is that all the muck is sprayed on everything else.
No use wearing anything you intend to ever wear again.

Haddock said...

Wow those power cleaners really do the job. We might need one sometime for as some of the stone on carspot is turning a little green :)

christina said...

Lots of fun! We also have a lot of moss and algae and bought a pressure washer a couple of years ago. Now our neighbour is always asking to borrow it!